In-house vs. outside agencies

In-house vs. outside agencies

What can we learn from each other? And how can we better support each other? As long as a distinction is made between “in-house” and “external” agencies, people will always ask: How can the two groups peacefully co-exist? It’s more accurate, and more productive to...
Gaining Client Trust

Gaining Client Trust

You might assume, as a member of an in-house agency, you might be afforded a measure of trust from your clients that is hard to come by for outside agency folk. After all, you are all on the same team and you are dedicated to the products and services of your company...
Hiring the Right People

Hiring the Right People

I’ve worked on many different brands in the United States and overseas. When it comes to strategies for hiring in the creative department, there are basically two distinct approaches: 1) The confident leader attempts to hire people who are as good as, or even better...
Lead from the Middle

Lead from the Middle

I believe the trick to being a great creative leader is to remain centered. No, I don’t mean the center of attention. Far too many managers and directors have gone down that path in a flaming blaze of egotistical glory. By centered, I’m talking about the realization...

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