Moving on

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What happens next when your boss asks if you are interviewing for a new job?
We are all obligated to look for a new job.  It could be salary concerns, growth opportunities or maybe it’s time for a career change.  It is your own personal choice.
So what do you do when they ask?
Your initial response would probably be to deny all assumptions.  But what if you really are interviewing?
It could be in your best interest to be truthful.
This will hopefully give you the opportunity to speak of your concerns.  To talk about why you may be looking and what initiated you to start.
If an employer wants to retain a top performer, maybe there is something they need to do.
If you are the employer looking to retain a top performer take advice from our March 2018 In-Brief.  The Creative Group listed a few useful ways to help – read them here.

Written by Samantha Plateroti

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