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How often do you show recognition to your team?  How do you show recognition to your team?
Is it a “great job” or a shout out in a team meeting?  Or do you talk money?
Either way, it is important to let your team members know when they are doing a great job.
Be transparent! Let your team know that you appreciate them and the work that they put in.  But better yet, show it!
A lot of managers are so quick to tell someone what they are doing wrong, but what about what they are doing right?
You never know when someone is having a bad day or even a bad week.  A simple compliment could go a long way and hopefully in the end, you will reap the benefits.
A happy employee could make all the difference to your business.   A happy employee is willing to put much more into their effort than an unsatisfied one.  Keep your team encouraged and let them know they are valued!
–Samantha Plateroti, Social Media Coordinator, InSource

Written by Samantha Plateroti

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