Hold Out For The Right Fit

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As leaders, we must follow our gut instincts because when we don’t, it certainly comes back to bite us.
Years ago I was on the fence about transitioning an employee from another team into Creative Services as a interactive designer. Sadly, I thought a warm body was better than nothing so took the chance against my own better judgment.
What a dumb decision that was.
My initial instinct that the individual wasn’t the correct fit could not have been more accurate. The individuals’ shenanigans created a poisonous environment for the rest of the staff and became an all consuming messy clean up for me.
It took months of documenting and trying to correct bad behavior before HR was comfortable with me relieving the person from their job.
So in the end, I created more work and aggravation for myself and my team instead of holding out for the right fit.
Lesson learned.
Robin Colangelo
I AM IN-HOUSE : White & Case
VP, Board of Directors, InSource

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