Giving up

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When is it ok to say Uncle? When you’ve tried something for 1 year, 5 years, 10 years. So what’s the difference between giving up and moving on with a purpose?
I’ve never been one to give up so I’m always shocked at how often I see others throw their hands up in the air and say they’ve had enough.
In my mind every plan needs a backup and maybe even a third backup. So when I’m planning something big, I know what plan A is for sure, but I generally have a plan B
and sometimes a plan C in my back pocket just in case. Maybe that’s the control freak in me or maybe that’s our reality. Let’s face it: How often does plan A really come together for anyone?
Anything complex takes patience and twice as long as you think it will take to produce or implement. Have patience, and understand there will be road blocks—some of which might make you see red but that’s normal. Think through it, agree on a plan B and move forward.
If you take pride in your work and care about nurturing your reputation and building your in-house career, think twice before throwing your hands up next time.

Written by Robin McLoughlin

McLoughlin is experienced in developing brand, marketing and creative strategies with extensive in-house leadership expertise building new teams and processes. She has led several rebrand efforts and also writes and speaks on creative leadership topics throughout the industry.

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