Can’t Find The Right Image?

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Can’t find the right image?
After searching and searching for weeks for a global image to depict a particular industry to align with our new brand, we were still coming up with nothing that would stick.
Several designers had given it a shot, multiple client meetings to discuss direction had taken place and still, nothing was sticking.
I then recalled a speed brainstorming session I participated in at the in-HOWse HOW conference in Boston a couple of years ago. We tried everything else, so why not give the speed-dating concept a whirl.
We gave the entire creative services team—all roles, around the globe—10 minutes to come up with image choices based on several key words, searching any stock photo site of their choice.
The result? We nailed it. Three strong images came out of this search and the client picked one. Gotta love when a plan comes to together!
Robin Colangelo
I AM IN-HOUSE : White & Case
VP, Board of Directors, InSource

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